The Quadfather
9/7/2020 9:19:42 AMCongrats on boat, congrats on 1st Coho!
Can’t wait to see photo of your rod setup.

The Quadfather
9/7/2020 9:28:42 AMUnusual that the butt of your rod is not at least ‘somewhat’ coming through bottom of rod holder. This makes me question how much of the butt is actually in the rod holder?
Also, was your drag possibly locked down, way too tight? The biggest concern is how little of the rod butt may actually be in the rod holder. If the angle off the rod holder was (not) approx 45 degrees.. then a fully tight drag, and not long enough butt, could make rod exit from boat. (Your angle looks good though). The drag setting is the question. Normal drag setting would have just taken line.
Got your DR ball bag, right? You could run ball through lost fishing net, and then you have a whole set of other problems.
You at least have a great fishing story of the one that got away, maiden voyage etc.

The Quadfather
9/7/2020 9:30:35 AM
9/7/2020 9:38:10 AM
9/7/2020 1:02:44 PM
9/7/2020 1:34:24 PM
9/7/2020 1:44:10 PMI hope this helps and good luck and tight lines in the future with that new boat.

9/7/2020 2:34:24 PM
Boeing Creek
9/7/2020 7:29:57 PMCongrats on the first coho, now get another rod and get some more!

9/8/2020 8:53:59 AM
9/8/2020 9:28:46 AM
9/8/2020 9:28:47 AM