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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 10 Seattle - Bremerton Report



Coho Salmon
Herring Strips

Hey guys - I might need some help here. After a lifetime of fishing for small trout on small streams with small flies, I decided to "graduate" to big water and bigger fish. Recently bought a NW Boat and got the dealer to throw in some electric Scottys. Time to begin learning the salt! Safe to say I am 100% certified greenhorn. That being said, I have no idea if what happened today (in front of the Oil Docks) happens...ever. After landing my first coho within 5 minutes of my first trip on my new boat, I was in fishing heaven. HOWEVER, around noon had a huge tug in about 50 feet of water (purple haze hi fly, purple flasher). I thought I would wait to see if there would be another tug on my 'rigger line. Turns out there was, A tug so hard it pulled my brand new rod and new Okuma right into the salt and into the depths. A fish pulled my rod and reel right of the rod holder! After staring blankly at my now empty rod holder for about 60 seconds, I got my wits to at least backtrack and see if the rod/reel somehow was floating, or being dragged by the fish that took all my gear!

The photo is my set-up shortly before whatever it was took my brand new rod and reel right out of the rod holder and into the Sound.

Two questions for any old salts on this forum:
1) If you see the attached photo, Did I set the rod holder up correctly?
2) Has this ever happened to anyone else? A fish taking your entire set-up right of the rod holder? Since I am a total newbie, I have no idea if this is a thing or not.

Beautiful, crazy, whacky day. One coho in the boat and gear somewhere in the salt...Thanks


The Quadfather
9/7/2020 9:19:42 AM
Attach that photo!
Congrats on boat, congrats on 1st Coho!
Can’t wait to see photo of your rod setup.
The Quadfather
9/7/2020 9:28:42 AM
Sorry, now I am seeing pic.
Unusual that the butt of your rod is not at least ‘somewhat’ coming through bottom of rod holder. This makes me question how much of the butt is actually in the rod holder?

Also, was your drag possibly locked down, way too tight? The biggest concern is how little of the rod butt may actually be in the rod holder. If the angle off the rod holder was (not) approx 45 degrees.. then a fully tight drag, and not long enough butt, could make rod exit from boat. (Your angle looks good though). The drag setting is the question. Normal drag setting would have just taken line.
Got your DR ball bag, right? You could run ball through lost fishing net, and then you have a whole set of other problems.

You at least have a great fishing story of the one that got away, maiden voyage etc.
The Quadfather
9/7/2020 9:30:35 AM
Typically when rod is (all the way) seated.. your reel will be resting on the top of rod holder tune. Yours looks not all the way seated.
9/7/2020 9:38:10 AM
I set up my rod holders on the rail in front of my riggers with a rod holder that locks. There are many styles of rod holders available, keeps rods secure and closer into the boat making them easier to grab.
9/7/2020 1:02:44 PM
I use SCOTTY rod holders that the rod butt sticks all the way, and the reel rests on top of the holder and then you can lock it. I have had FISH-ON rod holders that slip and I lost a rod and reel.
9/7/2020 1:34:24 PM
Looks correct to me. I have noticed that the scotty rod holders on the Dr's do not hold as much of the rod as say the cannons. You can also cut out the stopper in the bottom of the rod holder if that helps you feel more comfortable. It will just take more to get it out quickly when you get hammered.
9/7/2020 1:44:10 PM
Congrats on your new boat and skunk removal with that coho. Sorry about your loss of gear. I had the same thing happen a few weeks ago. My rod dipped a couple of times and as I reached for it, it shot out of the holder and disappeared beneath the surface. I was fortunate though because the line didn’t release from the clip so when I brought up the downrigger I was able to grab my line and get my rod and reel back. My rod was set up exactly like yours in the photo. My buddy Randy Rauscher pointed out that there is a removable pin in the bottom of the rod holder. If you take that out (just pull it out with pliers) the butt of your rod will drop all the way down and it would be hard for a fish to yank it out provided the holder isn't angled to far aft.
I hope this helps and good luck and tight lines in the future with that new boat.
9/7/2020 2:34:24 PM
Thanks guys. Glad to hear I did not pioneer "the fish took my the rod/reel" move. Malby - thanks for the specific advice about the Scotty rod holder. I will look for that removable pin to remove the bottom of the rod holder.
9/7/2020 2:42:30 PM
9/7/2020 7:43:44 PM
Don’t don’t know why the question marks appeared....ignore them ??
Boeing Creek
9/7/2020 7:29:57 PM
It's never happened to me, but I could see it happening if the fish takes off in the right direction. Personally I use the Scotty holders that mount separately from the downrigger and which offer a more "active" rod retention, additional bonus that this makes the rod more convenient to grab and reel up without having the take it out of the holder or lean over the gunwale.
Congrats on the first coho, now get another rod and get some more!
9/8/2020 8:53:59 AM
If a seal got a hold of that fish, it would put some serious pull on the line. Nice job putting one in the boat though! Always nice to feel like you are doing something right. Too bad about that rod and reel.
9/8/2020 9:28:46 AM
I dont use the today holders that come with the downriggers...I've got rod holders next to my downriggersthat locks my rods in so that dont happen...learned that after my buddies rod got pulled out , lickly the plug didn't stick and we were able to get it back when the plug popped up to the surface
9/8/2020 9:28:47 AM
9/8/2020 3:21:16 PM
Loosen your drag or you will lose/break off a lot more gear regardless of what rod holder you use. You can always tighten your drag down once your in control, you can’t loosen it before it’s too late and your gear is gone.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709