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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA



51° - 55°
Trolling W/Downriggers
Cutthroat Trout
46° - 50°

I don't get to Sammamish to fish but once every few years, and every time the lake has made me work to figure them out, but that's half of what makes fishing fun!

I started the morning out in front of the creek after launching from the State Park. Being in a Hobie kayak, my hope was I wouldn't have to move too far from there. I wound up being wrong. The early morning was spent covering a lot of water, moving up and down the water column, varying speed, and changing out gear looking for the magic combo. Out in front of the creek were a lot of marks, and some nice cuts periodically surfacing, but I could get no takers. I think a lot of those marks might have been perch though. I eventually followed some birds into the large cove west of the weather buoy. There was a fairly large midge hatch happening and I could see the birds were feeding, so I figured that maybe fish were there feeding as well. I didn't mark much at all, so I pulled my line up to 5ft thinking that there might be fish near the surface, even though none were surfacing. I wound up being right and pretty quickly started getting into fish, the largest coming in at 19 inches.

The hot lure for me wound up being an Elgin Fishing God's Tooth Spoon in Fire Tiger, no dodger, no bait. Speed they wanted from me was fast, right at 2.0mph seemed to trigger all of the bites.

Video shows the action from the morning.


Ben Eggertsen
12/7/2020 10:29:31 AM
Hey Josh, I always seem to learn something from your excellent reports! I am ten minutes from Lake Sammamish so I fish it a lot. I've been using a variety of gear including a God's Tooth 50/50 gold/silver spoon with a dodger. The perch spoon without a blade definitely appears to be more productive. I'll give that a shot the next time out. Thanks and Tight lines!
12/7/2020 10:51:02 AM
Thanks Ben. I went through a pretty wide variety of set ups. Ive had good luck there before on a red/white God's Tooth kokanee set up with a chunk of night crawler behind a dodger, but didnt get anything with that. I tried spinners, other Gods Tooth Kokanee set ups as well. Then started going striaght spoon, I think the Fire Tiger was the 3rd one I tried. Either I found what they wanted, or the bite just turned on. I am going to go with I figured it out :)
12/7/2020 10:57:39 AM
Thanks for the excellent report Josh! Glad you were able to figure out what they wanted. Nice fish! :-)
12/7/2020 12:33:22 PM
Thanks Russ. From now on when fishing is slow I am going to text you :)
12/7/2020 8:13:31 PM
I fish the lake at least once a week and there are many rookie mistakes. One is living by the fish finder and going to deep. Feeding fish are shallow and looking up so fish there. Also shallow fish will move out of the way of your boat so get the lure out there a ways and make lots of turns.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709