1/17/2021 5:52:36 PM
1/18/2021 12:46:23 AMSorry for any confusion!

1/21/2021 4:18:41 AMHeading to theOregon coast to chase some steelies with a group of 4 drift boats, and few camera men!!
Met these guys on the this fishing trip! If you’re doubting if you should go fish solo, DO IT!! You never know who you are going to meet on the waters! Some beautiful fish & good people out there!!
Tight lines!

1/29/2021 1:48:17 PMI see the value of a folding portable cage with small locking top door you could anchor in the shallows- yet still get dissolved oxygen, letting the fish be calm (15-20 minutes) to rid of stress adrenaline and then kill/clean each one right before leaving. Even laying in the sun can expedite decomposition.; https://www.chefs-resources.com/seafood/how-to-store-fresh-fish/
Another trick is using the forest storage system at hand- without ice: https://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/fishing-techniques-zmaz72jaztak Gary.