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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 13 South Puget Sound Report



Coho Salmon

We took the kayaks out to fish for resident coho salmon around the islands and inlets in Area 13. We left in the morning about 1.5 hours before high tide and fished for a few hours. Caught two resident hatchery coho, one of which was quite large for these guys...about 15 inches...we usually only see them that big more towards spring. The fish were active in the morning, jumping and biting but slowed down after we'd been out for a bit. Mostly trolled with an orange swimming grub in 5-15 feet of water.


1/28/2021 11:33:25 AM
Nice! Any fish caught in a kayak always seems like a bigger fish. But I couldn't find in the regs where is is open to fish. You seem to know a lot about that fishery. Could you please clarify where in the regs it says it's open? Thanks.
1/28/2021 11:43:54 AM
Page 127 of the current WDFW regulations: http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/20WAFW-VLR6.pdf
1/29/2021 4:35:00 PM
might wanna re-read the regs. only salmon spot thats open is the fox island pier.
1/29/2021 6:10:49 PM
Area 13: Entire Area:
"Oct. 1-June 30 Chinook - min. size 22". Other salmon species - no min. size. Daily limit 2. Release wild coho and wild Chinook."
1/30/2021 3:05:42 AM
Marine 13 is open to both chinook and coho all year. You're 100% wrong in your interpretation of the regulations.
1/29/2021 7:28:55 PM
Great Pic. There is nothing wrong with hooking up with a coho as you fish for cutthroat trout! As I read the regs, there are salmon opportunities in Marine Area 13. If I am wrong please let me know. :)
1/30/2021 3:02:18 AM
@BremertonSquid You don't have to be targeting cutthroat. You can target coho, and keep them if they're hatchery.
1/30/2021 2:49:32 AM
I hate to be the bearer of good news boys, but if you think Area 13 is closed for salmon you're reading the regations wrong. You can actively target, and keep if you wish, both hatchery chinook and coho year round. It's been that way for DECADES. If you don't believe me call WDFW and they'll tell you the same thing.
1/30/2021 11:54:17 AM
I'm with you Plumbus. I understand the regs :) I was supporting your post ;) My partner works for WDFW :)
1/31/2021 9:07:32 AM
Great report, thanks for posting! I’m just getting into kayak fishing so any tips are much appreciated!
Mike Carey
1/31/2021 7:35:00 PM
thanks for verifying and documenting the regs on this fishery.
2/3/2021 10:44:08 PM
MA 13 is open for both hatchery chinook and coho. The information can be found on page 127 of the 2020-2021 WDFW Fishing Regulations. 7/1-9/30; chinook min size is 20", limit 2. No size limit for other salmon species. 10/1-6/30; chinook min size is 22", limit 2 but only 1 chinook may be retained. No size limit for other salmon species. MA 13 can be a hit or a miss for winter blackmouth fishing but I have caught some very nice fish in MA 13. Lots of water to learn so I focus my winter blackmouth fishing in just a couple areas. Coho can be found along almost any shoreline area.
2/5/2021 3:24:56 PM
Close, the limit for Chinook is 2.
2/5/2021 7:49:25 PM
Thank you for the correction; somehow my post lost most of the sentence addressing the Fox Island Fishing Pier and the rest of the 10/1-6/30 information. Sorry guys!
Dr Hook
6/6/2021 8:01:52 PM
I loved your video. Fun Fun Fun :)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709