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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Martha (AM) Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



66° - 70°
Brown Trout
Red And Green
71° - 75°

I didn't wake up with a plan to go fishing but after checking the weather reports it was going to be sunny with very lite winds. At 5:30 am I was out the door and had 2 poles in the water before 6am on a glass smooth lake all to myself. Because the sun was already shinning I used a chrome Ford Fender with tiny wedding rings I made from 3mm beads on one and a chrome 7 blade gang troll on the other rod w/ Pautzke's pink corn as bait. This is my go to bait that gets used the most and its not something the fish see all the time so it works for me.

With the water temp at 74.6 I opted to long line 70 to 80 feet out with 3/8's ounce of weight on each to get me to the 15 foot depth range. Speed was kept constant at 1.2 mph thanks to the cruse control setting on my Minn Kota {I love that thing} and the auto pilot took care of most of the steering. Lots of hits but not many sticking so I just kicked back and enjoyed the calm waters. BOOM, The bells go off on one rod and I can tell it a nice fish so I start fighting it to the boat and see its a nice brown. I grab the net darn fish jumps and its gone ... Noooo

Picked up 2 nice hold over rainbows and a fair sized brown and lost about 6 so not bad for 3 hours on the water. I have fished this lake many times and that's my 3rd brown trout of the year out of it so far but almost always limit on rainbows. Just remember no gas motors allowed on this lake and my midday in the summer its packed with swimmers.



6/27/2021 12:00:20 PM
I believe no combustable motors means you cannot even have one mounted on your boat, unless wdfw made a reg. change.
You might take a look to make sure.
6/27/2021 1:02:47 PM
Thanks for the heads up because I really had no idea about that and had to search more on it, That's why I love this place because we help each other out when needed like this. Easy to remove motor for other small lakes so thanks.

6/28/2021 9:04:32 AM
It is correct in WDFW managed waters designated "internal combustion engine prohibited" or "motors prohibited" the motor cannot be attached "to a floating device". WDFW enforces STATE game laws, they do not have jurisdiction over county ordinance or code, that falls on county law enforcement.

SCC 22.08.070 simply states no motors permitted if so designated by parks division and do not a motor cannot be attached:

"No person shall operate a boat, float, raft or other water craft, whether or not powered by motor, in or upon any bay, lake, slough, river or creek within the boundaries of a county park which has been designated by the parks division and posted to prohibit such operation."
6/27/2021 12:46:37 PM
While that may be true for some lakes this is not one of them and its a City rule and not from the State. I've had 3 State Game Wardens check my License and catch and surely they would have said something about it if I was breaking a rule or law there.
6/27/2021 9:10:00 PM
see snohomish co. code 22.08.070
6/29/2021 8:38:19 AM
Reads pretty clear. I am with ya and always assumed no motors meant no internal combustion engines on the vessel. I've always taken mine off and only run electric to visit Martha and other lakes in the area.
6/28/2021 8:16:23 AM
I didn't know there were any browns in Western Wa.
6/28/2021 8:36:43 AM
I believe it was a one time plant about 3 years ago but not sure on the time frame
6/29/2021 8:39:13 AM
Very nice catches! I've fished that lake multiple times over the years and never had much luck.
7/9/2021 8:16:46 AM
12.08.030 Motorboats -- Internal combustion motors prohibited.

Due to the inadequate flow or other factors where pollution from motor discharge is aggravated by internal combustion motor discharge, or the pristine character of upland lakes over 1,500 feet in elevation in danger of being seriously damaged, or the small size (under 45 acres), or shallow depth, or a configuration rendering the use of internal combustion motor-powered watercraft hazardous, the propulsion of a motorboat in whole or in part by an internal combustion motor is unlawful upon the following lakes.

This says nothing about a gas motor being on a boat there but only it cant be used, I talked to one of the park rangers there and he said its fine and long as its not used.

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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709