12/26/2021 5:55:59 PM
12/26/2021 5:56:54 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Went out to Curlew Lake yesterday with my gf. This is my first ice fishing trip in 25 years. Knowing all the dangers of ice fishing, I was happy that I came well prepared. We came up after hearing reports of 3 to 5 inches of ice.
First let's discuss the pass. It was nasty. I wasn't expecting it to be perfectly clear, after all it was Christmas right? Thankfully the road was well sanded. We were mostly driving through a few inches of snow and slush.
Arrived by noon. The ice definitely was not safe. It was 2 to 3 inches and cracking where you step and my tamping bar was breaking through easily. I am assuming all this week, getting out early was the key to safe ice. We saw where people had gone further out. Anyway, we caught a few tiny trout and one 12 incher that we lost at the hole. It seems like we were in 20 to 30 ft of water. We fished 10 to 20 ft off the dock at the State Park lunch.
A few things we noticed. We had no depth finder today so we were fishing blind. We only got bites when we were 3 to 6 ft off bottom. Bites were light, nothing hooked itself. We tried a lot of different actions: twitching, 2 inch jig ups, 12 inch jig ups, setting still. Bites typically only came when we were setting still. I had drank too much coffee and this was all but impossible for me to do. So those bites came when I had my pole set down.
Next time I'll bend my hooks so they point up at an angle for easier hooksets. I assume us not getting into perch had everything to do with territory. Next week's temps should allow us to go anywhere on the lake. It's hard to get any concrete tips from these guys in ice fishing groups. I assume heading prime drop off points like the one you see on the northeast corner of the Island right in front of the launch is the place to be.
I tried many different rigs. The best lure was a 1/32 oz tungsten jig with a gulp grub.
On our way home I was reminded why you always go back through the pass and don't go south. It's a lot longer to get home. Although we were treated with a trip at Keller ferry. Can't believe those guys were working on Christmas. We are so thankful for them!
What worked:
Gulp grubs
What didn't work:
Any jig that wasn't a gulp....I tried 10 different colours and shape of plastic worm.
Swedish pimples
Jigging raps
Crappie jigs with tube tails
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service