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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report



41° - 45°
Bottom Fishing From Boat
All Day
41° - 45°

Well as they say, "It's my story I can tell it any way I want" so this is what I'm going with. It was all my buddy's fault. Not me, no,no, no way. It started this way. He didn't even wake up until 15 minutes after he was supposed to be at my place. Then he couldn't get his garage door open and couldn't get to his gear so he shows up at my place an hour and half late with no tackle, no rod, no lunch. You have to consider that this is a right handed person the holds his spinning rod in his left hand and reels with his right, so right off you can see what I'm up against. So I grab an extra rod and away we go. So we finally get on the water at Porcupine just before 9. Mind you I wanted to go to down by Lincoln but he twisted my arm and me being old and with a bum shoulder mind you. We had heard maybe there was a water clarity problem on the Arm but I can't put any of the blame on that, seemed pretty clear to me. So we finally get some jigs in the water and about 10 minutes later I have our first Eye. Decent start thinks I. Well we worked around that area and gave them a decent chance but couldn't recruit and more volunteers. Later we were bottom bouncing further up river and Wes caught another eater and once again we hoped for the beginning of something good but it was not to be. So we finished the day with only 2 fish that while both were Walleyes they were such different colors that you wouldn't believe they we of the same clan. All the whining, sniveling and just general BS aside we hadn't been out together for quite awhile and had a good time so I gave a 2 fish day a 3 rating. The only logical conclusion is I just need to get out there more often and get a handle on where they are at.
It's all good, stay after them, it's the right thing to do.


3/25/2022 9:43:51 AM
I feel your pain. I'm always sad when people who come on my boat for free don't catch a lot of fish. But they help me to feel better about it by showing up late, with their gear all messed up so we can have fun with tangles and fish breaking off on bad line.
3/26/2022 5:15:18 PM
Hey I was just poking some fun at a good friend, it's all good.
3/26/2022 1:06:19 PM
Can't get the garage door open? Oh man, that worse than the dog eating his homework. LOL
3/27/2022 5:10:08 AM
Fishing trips are supposed to have a little drama, adds to the experience and you get to appreciate when things go right in spite of it all. You had a nice day, caught a couple nice 'eyes and even tolerated a right handed person who holds spinning rods with his left hand (I do too).

Any day on the water is a good day in my book and yours sounds like a win - win, good natured ribbing and all. :-)
3/28/2022 1:54:28 PM
Last Thursday I had my ignition switch go out way up river, just a little way up from buoy 3. Thankfully we jumped the starter because about 12 years ago Glenn and I (in his old boat) took 6.5 hrs using a 17lb thrust trolling motor to get back to the the Porky launch. It was February and no other boats were anywhere nears us. Oh and his paddle broke on the third stroke. You would be surprised what you can do with a cooler lid. Had to pull the boat with a rope from shore for the last mile.
3/28/2022 2:40:16 PM
So far my worst case is making it back to Lincoln from Sterling on the kicker, not all that bad.
Stuff happens and will continue to do so I suspect.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709