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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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19 - Spokane Confluence to Lake Roosevelt North End Report



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Well it finally happened! We got a Walleye big enough to put back. My buddy Wes got a 25 incher above Porcupine Thursday morning. Didn't have a scale but we were guessing around 5 pounds. Other than that the Walleye fishing was pretty much a bust for us. We cleaned 3 small eaters. We caught 6 Rainbow while we we cruising around mostly on spinner rigs behind bottom bouncers. So it was a slow day but it was just great to be back out on the water. I have been on the injured reserve list since early June with a broken right shoulder and it was just great to be able to hold a rod again. It was a hot day and we didn't get a particularly early start so I felt pretty good about our catch. Think if we would had actually been targeting Rainbow we would have limited out earlier. Strange as it may sound someone actually forgot to put the downriggers on the boat. Go figure.
My bad, the photo of the two walleye is from an earlier trip and I couldn't figure out how to remove after I put it in there by mistake.


8/27/2022 1:19:11 PM
Well god going. I've been down with a motor problem for 2 1/2 months. Just got a replacement on the rig so now some last due fishing is in order as Adela's some monotonous break in time.
8/27/2022 1:20:00 PM
That would be "Good" going. :-)
8/28/2022 9:56:13 AM
Any size to the rainbows?
8/28/2022 11:36:51 AM
15 to 19. The 19 really hit hard and put up a good fight. Thought he was going to be a wild one but turned out he was a hatchery fish, maybe a hold over. Seems like we used to get more 18 to 21 than I have lately.
8/29/2022 5:44:35 AM
NICE! Good color on the 'bows too. Got my copy of the Lake Roosevelt Forum about a week ago, some of the 'bows are being raised to a larger size prior to release from the net pens. If I recall correctly, those were to have been released in the Arm.
8/29/2022 4:43:00 PM
Thanks Hewesfisher, good to hear from you, hope to see some reports from you soon.
8/30/2022 5:26:33 AM
We're looking forward to fall fishing, health issues kept us both ashore after last Nov.

The Summer edition of the "Lake Roosevelt Forum Newsletter" said over 561,000 RBT 7" - 13" were released in May and should be 18" by next month. The article goes on to say an additional 40,000 RBT were released in the Arm from the Spokane Tribal Hatchery between February and June that weighed 1 - 2lbs. Favorable odds for Arm anglers to catch nice nice sized RBT. :-)
8/29/2022 6:50:22 AM
Good to see you back in the game! I still have to file a report but Sunday was a bit slow as well.
8/29/2022 8:11:15 AM
Didn't report it but on Sunday 8/21 the wife and I decided on the way home from church to take the boat to the lake. Counted it more as a boating trip than a fishing trip. Anyway we got down to Porcupine around 1 and it was really a busy place. Got the boat launched and out on the water and Marcia got sick. Think it was the Arby's we ate on the way down. All she could do was lay on the cushions and didn't really want to go anywhere fast. So I just had the kicker motor, left the trolling motor at home so I put out a couple of lines just to have something to do. About the time I'm starting to think this problem isn't going to pass I got a bite. Well after that it was just you will have to get better on the boat. The wind was blowing and the surf board boats were going and I was trying to land fish and keep the boat straight, Having the time of my life. She finally got to feeling better and I wound up with 3 trout and 2 Walleye. Thought any fish at all were a total gift considering the day. She's fine now.
8/30/2022 10:10:21 AM
Well Part-Time, It's the Gator, I have been praying for you that that right shoulder would heal up so you could enjoy fishing once again, it's good to hear your back on the water, looks like you knocked um dead and got a good mess of fish. I have not posted any reports lately but have been knocking the Sockeyes and Kings up at Brewster, so far I have filled 1 catch card out and I am half way down on my second card, it's been a exceptionally good year with good numbers returning, well good to hear from you and maybe see you out on the water, "Tight Lines and Keep Reelin"!!!
8/30/2022 5:52:57 PM
Thanks for the prayers. You must be on tough guy to deal with that much fishing at Brewster. That is no place for the faint of heart.
I gave it 3 days several years ago and said that's enough. I will take the open waters on Roosevelt. Congratulations on an outstanding catch,
8/30/2022 5:46:28 PM
Good info, I'll sign up for that.
8/31/2022 12:04:02 PM
Part-Time, I would love to take you up to Brewster for some fun Sockeye fishing and for Kings, this season has come to an end, and I will nolonger be traveling up there, but I will be looking forward to next season, it's best the third weekend in July to mid August, I will remember to get ahold of you next July and hook up for some fast and fun fishing for Sockeyes and Kings, we can take my boat it's fully outfitted for salmon fishing.
8/31/2022 3:41:56 PM
Thanks Gator, that's something to look forward to. Do you do the 3:30 launch?
8/31/2022 12:04:03 PM
8/31/2022 4:06:08 PM
Yes,,kaunch around 3-3:30 am only because if you don't, it's hard to find a parking spot, or go a little later and arrive at the launch around 1pm during the week days M-F most people are done fishing by then and parking next to the launch is usually possible.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709