Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Area 12 Hood Canal Report



Spin Casting
Coho Salmon
Buzz Bombs

Insane fishing out on the Skokomish Tide Flats again! Lots of Coho Salmon running hard. Pretty much looked liked everyone limited very quickly.

Not sure why more people are not out there seeing as how the state is posting catch numbers for the location, which are stellar.

You can see on the WDFW fish reports how crazy the fishing is out there and very productive. One of the best fishing areas in the state according to their reports.


Anyone headed out there should make sure to not pull into any of the driveways along the side of the road, or park in front of people's houses out of courtesy. Only park in areas not in front of houses. You can park river side pretty much anywhere south of the multi story unfinished beach house with boats and trailers and tyvek, etc. You will know it just south of the power lines a ways down the road. The trail is a couple hundred feet south of that house. I marked it on the map.

Didn't have any problem getting out there and back out 5 foot of the tide level. Would be hard on anything higher than 5 foot tide to get back without swimming.

Especially if you are short, like me! Lucky to have waders on!


Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709