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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



31° - 35°
Under 40°

As far as catching is concerned, it was a 3. Of course we were hoping for some koks, but didn't find them today. We boated several limits of hatchery rainbows, all but one 18+ inches and cooked a few on the boat, kept some to eat fresh at home. If I had to rate the day on a "fun" level, it was a 5. My brother-in-law and I took some young adults (still kids to me) out for a day of fishing. My 18 year old played hooky from school to join us. My motto has always been "don't ever let school get in the way of your kids education." Well, she learned lots today:-). Old goat lures always work for us in the winter, and they didn't disappoint today. 90% of our fish were caught on the 2.13" orange and pink old goat. We also had some other homemade setups out there and some kokabow setups that had some success, but the day was dominated by old goat. One of these days I think we'll try some flies that everyone talks about on this lake...
If your interested in hearing more of this day, watch on our Youtube channel "boattothebelly." Its the fishing with kids episode. We're not in this to get anything out of it, we're just fishing for fun! With all the crap going on in our world today, if we can turn some kids onto fishing, we'll be happy!!!


1/18/2023 5:06:35 AM
Congrats on a fun outing and getting some limits. Pleased to hear you got the kids out to experience that fine fishery and the great snow capped views we have down there in the winter. Next time you troll, you might also try some of the old goat Spring green type colors and/or chatreuse. We have good action on these colors particularly on the overcast days. We should all be finding more koke action once the water starts to come down in Feb.
1/18/2023 8:39:03 AM
We're hoping to get back soon. Next trip we'll be taking a few "littles" on the boat. Thanks for the tip on colors, I'll be sure to give it a try. This lake is turning into one of my favorites, especially this time of year.
1/18/2023 3:33:03 PM
Thank you for the report and stellar video, encompasses why we fish - good job!
1/19/2023 8:55:40 PM
Thank you! Not sure what's more fun; fishing, or sharing the fishing stories. The only problem with videoing our outings is its harder to make those fish grow with our stories.
1/19/2023 2:54:25 PM
Great report and pictures, looks like a good day for sure!
1/19/2023 5:22:23 PM
This was a great trip! Fun level and bbq cuisine level 5. Can’t wait to brink the young ones there soon! Thanks for the great trip as always. Old Goats are a have to have in the water lure for me. Just hoping the big kokanee show up next trip. If anyone knows some locations they’re biting at please message us. Although the trout are great, we all know it’s the kokanee we are all after this time of year. Blessings everyone!
1/19/2023 7:06:14 PM
Hey, just wanted your video, your not just great fishermen you great video makers as well. Cooking them up on the boat, that's as good as it gets. I have one of those little planner board things but I have never used it. After watching your video I think I will get it out and study on it a bit. I was using those orange flies you mentioned and didn't do nearly as well as you guys did. Think I needed some kids on board.
1/19/2023 8:52:13 PM
They definitely help. Probably 80%+ of the fish we catch are on those sidewinder planer boards. We do catch some on the whisky lines straight behind the boat as well, but not as many. There are some YouTube episodes on how to modify them so they clip on and off. We find they work a lot better with the modification.
Thanks for watching!
1/20/2023 5:39:04 PM
So using the Sidewider your Old Goat were running just below the surface? I was wondering if you marked any fish on your depthfinder? I have been down twice this year and don't think I have marked a fish yet. I expect them to be shallow but would think I would see some from time to time. Starting to wonder about my settings. Getting the bottom just fine.
1/22/2023 1:45:03 PM
Yep, no weight added, just the weight of the dodger. We were not marking fish either yet this year. The lake is really high right now, wondering if that is making a difference in marking the fish. Don't worry about not marking fish though, this time of year they are really shallow, and boat shy. We put our lines back at least 150 feet, usually more.
1/20/2023 2:47:44 PM
Love your videos. I like to smoke trout and make sandwiches with them. Got that idea from a Seth Burrell video.
1/20/2023 6:01:08 PM
Smoked trout sandwich, that sounds amazing! Im imagining it kinda like a tunafish sandwich with mayo, onion, maybe some sweet pickles. I'll have to give it a try. If it's as good as it sounds, we may have to put it in one of our videos. I'll make sure to give you the credit:-)
Thanks for watching the video.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709