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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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18 - Lake Roosevelt South End to Spokane Confluence Report



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Bottom Fishing From Boat
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Another trip to the Arm with Glenn. We concentrated on deep holes in the main river channel. 40-70 FOW. Jigging raps were the only lures that produced. The eyes we caught were coughing up perch and crayfish. So use colors that mimic those two. We probably tried 12 different color combinations, depending on where we were dictated the color they wanted. If you don't count the 20 4 inchers, our total catch was around 30. We cleaned 21 eaters between 14 and 20 inches. Glenn actually caught a carcass of one of the eyes we cleaned last Sunday. Not as deteriorated as you might think. I on the other hand, was busy removing wood from the river. Everything from little sticks to a 6ft small tree and a stump.


10/15/2023 8:11:37 AM
Great report. You folks seem to be the only ones posting these days.
10/15/2023 8:24:06 AM
I noticed that myself. Not many boats on the water yesterday. The fair weather fisherman and the hunters have departed. A couple of guys were blasting away for ducks and geese not far from one of our fishing spots. They seemed to be having pretty good luck.
10/15/2023 4:05:46 PM
What size jigging raps to make it 70 feet deep??
10/15/2023 5:11:35 PM
John, we mainly size 7 and 9. The 9 is 7/8 oz. Which means it will wear your arm out until you get used to jigging it for hours. Most people think you fish them just like a jig but its worked differently. Rip them up and just let it fall on a completely slack line. Normally when you jig it up it will already have a fish on. Never let the fish have any slack. If you give them slack, they will throw the jigging rap. If you know it's a smalleye, just reel it up slowly and the fish should have no problem swimming back down. There's no need to fizz them.
10/15/2023 6:34:29 PM
Mark, great job again! So 7/8 oz raps in crawdad and perch? Catch up w you soon! Don
10/19/2023 10:43:27 AM
Could be most fisherman understand loose lips sink ships.
10/23/2023 5:54:23 PM
Chev there's a lot more than just using a certain lure on ol Roosevelt. We move around a lot till we hopefully find active eyes. Even then it often comes down to having the right cadence with a jigging rap. There's been a lot of times we have three guys in the boat with the same rap on and only one guy is catching fish, that can be very frustrating. Also most people won't use a jigging rap for very long because it flat out wears your arm out until you get those forearm muscles built up.
10/25/2023 6:56:35 AM
My statement has nothing to do with the lure, it has to do with constantly posting. Take your buddies teach your kids and grandkids but use a little sportsmen etiquette. You’re the only one posting non stop, ever wonder why?
10/26/2023 5:29:17 PM
CHEVLOWE, he posts because he's confidant in his abilities! Simple as that. You see it with other folks as well whether on some platform or in person. Maybe not giving out GPS coordinates but sharing lure type, depth, etc. Those dudes know they will catch fish while the rest of us keep attempting to. Guides included! Some will share to a great extent because they know they're effing good at their craft while most aren't.
10/26/2023 5:33:13 PM
Oh, and one more observation. Mike has devolved this site with his greed. I can barely stand being on here any more. I know for certain most people feel the same about these bleeping adds. Otherwise, I think people would use it more
10/27/2023 12:09:45 PM
Never said he wasn’t good I’m saying It’s drawing unwanted attention far and wide to what once was a hidden gem. I have spoke to people from other states that now trek here because of the attention plus all the locals and from across the state. The lots used to be minimal now they are full. What once was 5 boats in the spring is 50. GPS coordinates have nothing to do with it. Blasting every weekend about a body of water and how great ya did inevitably will draw crowds and people far and wide wether they know how to fish or not. Free country and people can post who what when and why but it comes with a price of ruining sportsmen’s paradises. That’s hunting fishing whatever sport you’re into. A little discretion and etiquette to preserve a pristine place isn’t a bad thing.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709