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St. Clair Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



By: Bob Johansen – May 2006

It was Tuesday, May 23, 2006. Bob and Mike had planned a bass fishing trip to Thurston County’s Lake St. Clair after Mike had received a glowing report from another angler. The weather was supposed to be some light showers. Bob and Mike could easily handle that.
They rendezvoused at the American Lake WDFW access at about 6:30 AM and rode down to Lake St. Clair in Mike’s rig towing his modified bass boat. They launched the boat as light showers were dimpling the water surface. Wisely they had brought some rain gear. Soon after launching the rain clouds opened and torrential rain began pounding down.
It was raining so hard, it prompted Bob to ask Mike if he had a bilge pump on his boat. Mike said no, but that the boat probably wouldn’t sink. He said it had the ultimate test a few years earlier on the Cowlitz when it nearly filled with water.
The rain continued almost as a cloud burst as Bob and Mike kept casting to lucrative looking casting targets. The plus side of the rain storm was that it wasn’t cold and the wind wasn’t blowing.
The water was stained to near ink black and the bass evidently couldn’t see the tempting lures or they were not very hungry. Finally after an hour or so Bob and Mike found a couple little juveniles who hadn’t had breakfast or were merely curious. Bob struck first with a little 9 ½ incher that liked the looks of his black jig. Within a couple minutes Mike caught his twin on a black worm. After about 3 hours of enduring the down pour, Mike suggested changing lakes.
Fairly nearby Lake Patterson was selected. They arrived at Patterson and the rain had almost stopped and there was still no wind. They launched and started fishing at the south west corner of the lake. Conditions seemed near perfect but still the bass refused the selection of tempting lures presented. About noon, Bob and Mike decided they had almost enough fun for the day and headed home.
It was a great and memorable fishing day on the water with a good friend. The fishing was good but the catching was a little skimpy. As Bob told Mike, "I don’t mind getting skunked now and then but I wouldn’t want to make it a habit."


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709