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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Williams Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



What a month June has been!! I celebrated TWO of my kids graduating from school this month--- My daughter from EWU, and my son from WVHS. Both of them fish; both will soon join me and my neighbor in our fishing endeavors, WHEN THEY GET BACK FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE TRIPS. Meanwhile, my neighbor and I could not resist the call of fishing perfection, so we set out for our fishing on Williams Lake before 6:00 AM. Friday. The sky was absolutely clear with the sun just peeking over the basalt cliffs lining the lake. The lake was mirror-smooth except for the growing rings around where the fish were jumping at the last of the bugs. Some of those jumping fish were BIIIGGG...seemed to be anxious for us to tempt them with our trickery. Perfect conditions for us! Anyways, we sailed ( What else can you do when you crew an aluminum boat called The Doghouse??) from the public boat launch, past the grassy island and towards the cliffs lining the shoreline opposite the launch. The water there is about 30 -40 feet deep there, and that is where we began tempting the fish with our standard Wedding Rings. We used orange and green lures, and I even broke-out the leaded line pole to get deeper into the lake. The result? We limited-out on trout, 12" - 14" long, and enjoyed every minute trolling on the lake. Williams Lake IS big enough to troll on because: If it can support water skiing, it is big enough to troll on (what is water skiing anyway, other than trolling at a higher speed and using bigger bait?) We will be still-fishing Williams Lake soon; the places near the basalt cliffs appear to have underwater springs that the fish seem to hang around... To sum it all up: A perfectly memorable fishing day. Thanks, WDFW--- and all who help make Williams Lake one of the best lakes around!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709