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Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:02 am
by Matt
Haven't seen any talk in here nor have I seen 1 single report in the reports section. Fishing has been REALLY good since the opener last Friday, has anyone gotten out with any success?

I fished 10 on the opener, but have yet to get out into 9 due to work constraints.

Who's been fishing?

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:25 pm
by A9
Unfortunately us saltwater salmon fishing folk here on are a smaller group, so there isn't a lot of action on the saltwater side of this forum...
The season is for sure off to a good start. MA10/9 have been pretty solid since the opener... Much better than last year for certain. We'll see how things develop as the summer continues.

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:46 pm
by racfish
Good to hear from you A9. Long time no see.

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:38 pm
by weeheavy
Hit bush point and PNP last Sunday with no luck. I'll be heading back out this weekend and hope to have some better luck.

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:31 pm
by scott080379
A9 has been hit or miss for most. Just depends on what you are using. Have to find out what works......;)

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:31 pm
I'd be out there but I'm leaving to take my boat to Ucluelet tomorrow, come back next Tuesday. So I've been concentrating on getting ready for that. According to the on line fish checker reports it has been downright sporty out there. Everett was 30% success at the opener and around 20% over last weekend, which is quite good.

I go to Ukee every summer, but I'll be hitting Possession when I get back. My personal fave is the SW corner, sometimes Pilot Pt. The summer run was good in 2007 but not much the last two summers. This summer is starting out pretty strong. I thought this thread would be full of players. Good luck! ... entral.htm

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:45 pm
As for salt water folk, I spend most of my on line time on Ifish. Even though I've lived in Seattle for 30 years, I was born/raised in Portland and I spend a fair amount of time down there fishing the Col, the Willy and Tillamook Bay. I'm an old retired fart. But I fish local a lot too when there is something going on that is.

I just found this forum and I intend to post more. Maybe we can grow the number of salt water folk!

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:27 pm
by blurock
I got out there and fished Possession on Saturday. We got two keepers in the boat, and lost another NICE fish right at the boat. Pretty sure the one we lost was a wild though the way it was fighting.
Lots of dogfish of you try to use herring... switched to some pro cure smeared on and drastically reduced the number of sharks.
Wish it was closer for me to get out there, I'd be fishing it everyday! I've been out to Area 10 a few times, with not much luck fishing around the can at Shilshole.
I'm trying to figure out where to take a friend for a short day next week, since I don't get any time off work so I need to be back by 3pm. :(

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:01 pm
by wolverine
It's been very good on the westside of Possession. No Pt has had its moments. Not certain if these are inbound ocean fish or 4 year insound blackmouth that haven't been fished on in a year. Nothing big, most 12-17. Find the bait-find the fish. Getting up at 3 am gets old, but the best bite is early.

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:28 pm
by Matt
Tides are all wrong for Possession this week. Heavy early morning lows throwing it all off. Fish counts today 70+ boats with a total of 12 fish out of Everett. Blurock, out of Shilshole I would suggest Jeff Head, the Edmonds Oil Docks, or the point right outside of Elliot Bay (can't remember the name right now...). Jeff Head and Oil Docks is about a 20 minute run from Shilshole, and the Point is about a 3-5 minute run tops.

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:16 pm
by Bro-Rando
West Point is what you're thinking of I believe (if you're talking about the point south of Shilshole). Also Meadown point to the North. I went over to Jeff Head today and landed a nice low-teens wild fish and a rezi coho.

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:51 pm
by Dave
I just returned from a few days of camping up on the Skagit River and as I went through the reports a few minutes ago I also wondered why there are no reports for Area 9. I will be out there early this coming Tuesday morning with Mr. Mike Carey and I’m sure a report will be posted. Nice fish Blurock, that's encouraging! Curious to know what you were using?

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:10 pm
by sickbayer
fishing jeff head tomorrow will let you know how i do?

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:30 pm
by Matt
Bro-Rando wrote:West Point is what you're thinking of I believe (if you're talking about the point south of Shilshole). Also Meadown point to the North. I went over to Jeff Head today and landed a nice low-teens wild fish and a rezi coho.
You sir, are correct. West point is the one! Too many points in the memory banks, sometimes the brain locks up, haha. I think the fish stage out there before going into Ebay and can there can be a pretty decent bite there.

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:55 pm
by blurock
I'll be fishing out of Shilshole (hopefully tomorrow morning) but for sure Friday morning. Depending on what my buddy feels like It'll either be at the green can, west point, or run out to Jeff Head. Saturday will be Possession again.

Dave: I was using a green Ace Hi about 35" back from a green hot spot. Fishing deep (220' of cable out in around 400' of water) Followed the rips

I just posted a report for Area 9 from yesterday (sunday) if you want to go check it out. Lost an easily 24lb fish right at the boat... and caught this little guy:

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:10 pm
by Dave
Hey Blu,

Nice fish! At least you have it dialed in!!! Mike Carey and I gave it a fair shake this morning but had no takers. We were fishing Possession, I think it's called the horseshoe. We were in between 100 to around 140 feet of water fishing both right off the bottom and maybe 25 feet above the bottom with lots of fish on the finder. Obviously you are fishing much deeper which is interesting and may just be the key. We did see boats out further than we were but the majority of the 35 or 40 boats were all fishing right around us. Maybe we need to work deeper water next time out. I also ran an Ace Hi towards the end of our trip which was pearl and green, about 42" behind a green Hot Spot flasher. We ran green and white hoochies, a few Kingfisher spoons in green combination colors, and I also ran a cop car Coho Killer, all behind green Hot Spots except mike ran a red flasher at one point to see if that made a difference which is didn't. Thanks for the information. I will check out your report…. Keep on slayin em!

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:33 pm
by A9
The afternoon bite last night in that area was far better than the morning outgoing.. We picked one up Tuesday morning in an hour and a half of fishing (it was rough out there) and called it quits. Went out in the afternoon/evening for the night bite and got 3 more....

Try running your Ace Hi Fly's (i like the green splatter back) 28-34 inches behind your flasher. Shorter leader gives em a little more action, combined with 40lb test....

Keep em where the bait is (for us its been in the bottom 1/3rd of the water column) and that should do the trick... For some reason the standard spoons I run aren't getting as many fish. Most of the bait that I've seen in the stomach's are 4-5 inch herring. Not as many candlefish? Last couple times I've been out we've ran Ace Hi's in the green spatter back on both lines and it's been working... I run 40lb test leader to two 4/0 octupus hooks with a few small glow beads between the hooks...

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:28 pm
by blurock
Ooo, I like the idea of the glow beads between the hooks A9, thanks for the tip, I think I'll tie some of those up to try!
One of the fish I caught out there was on a spatter back green Ace Hi with a 30-35" leader. I try to keep that set up on at least one rod in the water, as it's always been my tried and true set up. Though we've caught fish on just about everything this season so far. I think the biggest thing is just finding the fish.
We definitely got most hits when we've been around the bait balls, and they've all been showing deep when I've been out.

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:32 pm
by Matt
I will vouch for the evening bite being ON this week!

RE:Is nobody fishing A9???

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:43 am
by wintersteelhead
Hey Matt, You look really familiar. Was it you asking me about my 18' Phantom last sunday eve in Everett?