
Toni's Reports

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By: Toni
Posted: 7/19/2010
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/19/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I hooked 3 kokanee and got 2 in the ice chest, using my squiddy thing and a dodger. They were 11 inches. Caught and releaased a rainbow. The kokanee stopped bitting around 9 for me. Therefore, I went ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/15/2010
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/15/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I set the alarm for 4:30am but got up at 5am to be on the lake at a little past 6. I was a little chilly and I wore a coat for awhile. I guess the fish were a bit chilly to as I didn’t catch my first...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/11/2010
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/11/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I haven’t been fishing in a week therefore I thought I would get in a few hours before work, 7-10am. I couldn’t catch any rainbows today but kokanee is what I was after. It was foggy and cool and fis...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/4/2010
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 7/4/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I got up early to try and beat the skiing at the lake. I was on the water by 6am. The lake was calm and air temperature was warm. I didn’t need a coat until a little later when it started to get windy...
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By: Toni
Posted: 7/4/2010
Species: Coho Salmon
Rating: 4
Fished: 7/3/2010
Hot Spots: 1
I spent the morning on Area10 near Jefferson Head. We were trying for resident silvers, which should be there but getting hatchery kings instead, that had to be released. 6 on and 3 to the boat. 1 fi...
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By: Toni
Posted: 6/29/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/29/2010
Hot Spots: 1
I am sorry but I am tired so this report will be short. Slamonslayer117 and I fished 2-7pm. We tried for trout and then tried for bass, really tried for what would bite.It was hard to get them to bite...
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By: Toni
Posted: 6/27/2010
Rating: 1
Fished: 6/27/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Spent 2 hours on the lake from 6-8pm. Trolled a little and still fished with a worm but didn't get anything.
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By: Toni
Posted: 6/24/2010
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/24/2010
Hot Spots: 1
I planned to fish Clear Lake (Pierce) today but I had to take my son to the bus to get to work so I said I would just take him all the way and go to Ward Lake instead of Clear (Pierce). I was there fr...
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By: Toni
Posted: 6/21/2010
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/21/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I have been negligent in reporting. I have gone to Clear Lake a few times but I have not done well. Only been able to find a few small fish, I have trouble getting them on the hook and I also can't fi...
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By: Toni
Posted: 6/6/2010
Species: Kokanee
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/6/2010
Hot Spots: 2
It was a mostly wet day. Not down pours but that drenching drizzle we get. It was after a long day that the wind came up bad which drained my battery. I tried dodgers and swing blades with ¼ oz flat ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/30/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 2
Fished: 5/30/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I started before 9:30am and had a little rainbow on the bead head black woolly bugger within 5 minutes. But that was the quickest it went. I did catch about 10 trout in all. I left about 12 after my b...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/27/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/27/2010
Hot Spots: 1
I got a bit of a late start today, around 10:30am and finished about 4:30pm. It was cloudy all day with mirror wind. It took almost an hour to get my first rainbow. I tried for kokanees but I only go...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/24/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/23/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I fished from 12:30 until 6:30pm hooking and releasing around 20 rainbows. No kokes today. I got the best results on the bead headed black woolly bugger. One trout I caught was 15 inches and about a...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/24/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/22/2010
Hot Spots: 1
I was on the water for 5 hours, from 2-7pm with my brother. The water temperature was 58 degrees. The weather was cloudy with showers and, of course, I forgot my raincoat. We changed up many times ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/16/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/16/2010
Hot Spots: 0
After having to leave last night my son and I planned on getting up and going fishing before I had to go to work and that is what we did. The fishing wasn’t as good as it has been but it wasn’t bad ei...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/16/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 5/15/2010
Hot Spots: 1
I rushed home after work to get ready because my 4 year old granddaughter and I were going fishing. She told me early in the day that she was my fisher girl. We got to the lake just after 6pm. gave a ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/13/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/13/2010
Hot Spots: 3
I am tired so this report is short. I was at the lake from aproxamatly 8am - 3pm. I caught so many trout I can't keep tract, at least 6 times over. I usually lose tract some where after 5. It was s...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/9/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 5/9/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I got on the water about 9:30am and it took about 10 or 15 minutes to get my first trout. I left around 5. I tried all the spinners from the swap. I found the spinners weren’t very productive today. I...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/6/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 5
Fished: 5/5/2010
Hot Spots: 2
I have never been to this lake before. The weather was overcast and at one time I unzipped my coat. I took the temperature of the water right after I got there at 9am and it was 54. I c&r a stocker...
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By: Toni
Posted: 5/2/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/2/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I am blessed to live so close to good lakes. Today, my day off, I was getting ready to go fishing but at 8:30am I get a call to come to work. At time and a half I said yes. I don’t have to be there un...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/29/2010
Rating: 4
Fished: 4/29/2010
Hot Spots: 0
It rained, it hailed, and the wind blew but I caught lots of fish. The best fishing was as it was hailing. It was sunny for short periods of time. I trolled all of the time with many different things ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/25/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 4/25/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I am so grateful to live close to so many lakes. I got to Clear Lake in 10 minutes and as I pull into the launch I wonder where I will park because there were so many rigs. There were four boats goi...
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By: Toni
Posted: 4/22/2010
Species: Rainbow Trout
Rating: 4
Fished: 4/22/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I started fishing at 8:30am and the weather was cloudy, calm and the air temperature was 56. Water temp was 53. I caught 2 trout by 9:30 trolling. I fished some docks for a short period with a jig ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 3/27/2010
Species: Cutthroat Trout
Rating: 1
Fished: 3/27/2010
Hot Spots: 0
Today was the first day I have been to Offut. I found the parking at the boat launch was, indeed, small. We got the last two spots before one has to start looking for side of the road parking. The ...
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By: Toni
Posted: 3/23/2010
Species: Steelhead
Rating: 1
Fished: 3/23/2010
Hot Spots: 0
I drove down to go fishing at the Skook and what did I see on my way...9 turkeys and then 36 elk with at least 2 spikes in the group. I get to the end of the road and there is only 1 truck parked ther...
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