
Anonymous's Reports

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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/25/2006
Rating: 5
Fished: 6/16/2006
Hot Spots: 0
We went fishing with Terry Allen at Chelan in the morning (7-11) and my husband and I caught 6 fish in a couple of hours. They were all quite big too! The lake was great.
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/25/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/24/2006
Hot Spots: 0
My girlfriend has been bugging me about getting the boat out on a sunny day, so we both decided to try our luck at Harts Lake. We arrived at about 1:30, and started to troll around the bank, in hopes ...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/25/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/24/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Fished this lake for the first time today. Trolled wedding ring spinners and worms, just plain worm,peice of power bait,etc. Not one bite. after a couple of hours this got boring so I Thought I'd chec...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/25/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/24/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Beautiful day out, headed to Ki after work. Water temp ranged from 72-73 degrees. No bass to report about, saw a couple 4 pounders sitting on a bed.(A little late I would think but hey) They were v...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/24/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/20/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Arrived at the lake approx. 11 AM finding a mild breeze blowing down the lake. Fished with a sinking line and a Carey Special fly wind drifting down the lake. Not long after launching hooked up with t...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/24/2006
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/20/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Got to the lake about 9:00, started out trolling with a muddler. Caught several fish right away, but they were small (10"), so we let them go. Eventually caught 7 keepers; biggest was 14", the rest ...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/24/2006
Rating: 5
Fished: 6/20/2006
Hot Spots: 0
The BBs of BL are still learning...My neighbor invited his wife to fish with us this evening, and so she got her fishing license together and, using MY WIFE'S FISHING POLE, proceeded to give my neighb...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/24/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/23/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Fished Lake McMurray today. We have fished there several times this year and have done pretty good. Today was also pretty good except out of 14 fish caught, 11 of them had blisters all over them. Does...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/24/2006
Rating: 5
Fished: 6/24/2006
Hot Spots: 0
What a month June has been!! I celebrated TWO of my kids graduating from school this month--- My daughter from EWU, and my son from WVHS. Both of them fish; both will soon join me and my neighbor in...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/24/2006
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/16/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Fished Downs Fri, Sat and Sun (Fathers Day). The wind seemed to like it there on Fri and Sat. Hey all had to rate Downs a 4 for now, no Perch or Crappie for me but the locals that show up there are gr...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/23/2006
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/20/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Went out on tuesday with my dad and hit the lake at about 8:30. Trolled for about 3 hours till the battery died "forgot to charge it befor leaving"....hit 3 trout all smaller then 9" to 11"... good sm...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/23/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/22/2006
Hot Spots: 0
My snoring surgery was canx so the daughter and I went fittin on harts. We cruised the pads lookin fer bass. After desnaging my daughter a half dozen times we noticed a bass eatin bugs through the pad...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/23/2006
Rating: 5
Fished: 6/23/2006
Hot Spots: 0
As I was walking off my friends dock after I picked up my crawdad traps, I noticed a huge smallmouth bass which looked to still be on a bed (I'm sure it was still on a bed, and yes they should be off ...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/23/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/17/2006
Hot Spots: 0
The Day began with less then perfect conditions, wind blowing and milfoil atop the water crashing into our lines. As the day progressed , and we got discouraged at having to reel in to clean the milfo...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/23/2006
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/22/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Took the afternoon off and decided to go fishing with the wife and son, arrived at the Military dock around 1:00 pm, and between the 3 of us we caught 7 fish within an hour or two, all rainbows betwee...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/23/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/17/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Ok... this lake has always been a terrible producer from what I've heard and we had not much luck with the bass although it looks like great Bass habitat. So, gave it up and did a super slow troll on...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/23/2006
Rating: 2
Fished: 6/22/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Went to Sawyer about 4:30 p.m. Not even a nibble trying every thing but the kitchen sink. The pleasure boaters don't follow the rules of the lake we almost got swamped 2 or 3 times from them wizzing b...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/22/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 6/10/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Was out on the lake 2 or so weeks back and caught 3 nice bass off the silver lake resort docks on a black and chart spinner-bait. I fished it all over the boat ramp and pulled them out of there. Thats...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/22/2006
Rating: 3
Fished: 5/27/2006
Hot Spots: 0
I fished this lake for the first time about four weeks ago, i trolled on my boat, and got about 2 small 10 inchers, nothing exciting, my buddy caugh the same, i think three though. Then i anchored dow...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/22/2006
Rating: 5
Fished: 5/21/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Medical Lake in Spokane Co. has been producing some very nice browns and rainbows this year.
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/22/2006
Rating: 5
Fished: 6/22/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Lake Pateros is the resevior between Wells dam and Chief Joseph dam on the Columbia River, this would be a great lake to add to Washington as this is where the majority of the Summer run Chi...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/22/2006
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/20/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Boy it was a beautiful night on the lake. I had the opportunity to watch the resident Bald Eagle power dive and catch a fish next to a boat. What a beautiful sight that was. I ended up catching only 2...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/22/2006
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/18/2006
Hot Spots: 0
More fun. Son caught a few stockers. One on green power bait, another on a rooster tail.
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/22/2006
Rating: 5
Fished: 6/22/2006
Hot Spots: 0
We have been trying off the boat docks and off of clover island. We have been catching several smallmouth bass and a few rainbows. Nothing to big all around 8 to 14 inch bass and 6 to 12 inch rainbows...
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By: Anonymous
Posted: 6/22/2006
Rating: 4
Fished: 6/22/2006
Hot Spots: 0
Hey Oneshot I have been down to greenlake recently, you might want to try a couple of Maggots with that power bait. I had pretty good luck with that. The lake is full of fish, but it seems better earl...
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